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Leading Russian Bank


Based on the assumptions that training is standardized, Human Resources believes your team all have the same level of training and skill due to their certifications. However, that is not always the case.

Over time, training and learning methods change and a candidate that has received a LSSBB ten years ago may not have the same skill set as a more recently internally trained LSSBB or as one recently hired from outside your organization. A LSSBB holder trained by one trainer may not have received the same training as one trained by another. Trainers are people and each one presents training from a different perspective with different experiences. Yes, the basics are the same, but does your team have the LSSBB skills that your company needs? Are they all utilizing the same methodology and is it aligned with the Company’s objectives ?

To answer that question, this top Russian bank approached Pi-Sims and asked that we put together a one-day assessment to measure the skills of their LSSBB team. In additional to the usual tests, Pi-Sims decided to use its Del-Sim simulation game to test the Bank’s Six Sigma team’s practical LSS skills.
Leading Russian Bank

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